Open Restaurants 2013-2019 Feed Your Curiosity

Category: Special Events

The Chef Alliance

Sustainable meal – preparing delicacies food from ingredients right before their expiration.

Shabbath Diner

The international travelers’ community chef dinner and musical performance


What and how will we eat in the future and what will be our future food experience?

A Balkan Party

Put on your best mood and come to HaMiffal for Jerusalem’s most colorful food festival. When a Balkan banquet opens its doors, the celebration is contagious, with appetizing food, enchanting music, and everything else — the costumes, colors, tales, and people who insist on rejoicing and spreading joy. You’ll just have no choice but to […]

Welcoming the Sabbath in Djerba

A lecture, hallah-making workshop, and traditional meal in the style of the Jews of Djerba

Breaking a record of Sandwiches

Prepare Rachel Ben Elul’s secret sandwich – the XL version

Nostalgic Candies

Preparing candies, Jerusalem-style

Hummus: A class act

Hummus, opera, and a fundraiser for the Ma’aseh-beh (Good Deeds In…) project

Yellow Wind

A get-together and workshop on how corn has taken over the food industry

Sense the City

A multi-sensory experience that will change everything you thought about food!

The Baker’s Visit

A hands-on culinary session with world-leading bakers

Gifts from nature

A picking tour of the Jerusalem Hills, cooking workshop and a 7 course meal