Open Restaurants 2013-2019 Feed Your Curiosity

Category: Special Events

Welcoming the Sabbath in Djerba

A lecture, hallah-making workshop, and traditional meal in the style of the Jews of Djerba

Breaking a record of Sandwiches

Prepare Rachel Ben Elul’s secret sandwich – the XL version


What and how will we eat in the future and what will be our future food experience?

Nostalgic Candies

Preparing candies, Jerusalem-style

Sense the City

A multi-sensory experience that will change everything you thought about food!

A Balkan Party

Put on your best mood and come to HaMiffal for Jerusalem’s most colorful food festival. When a Balkan banquet opens its doors, the celebration is contagious, with appetizing food, enchanting music, and everything else — the costumes, colors, tales, and people who insist on rejoicing and spreading joy. You’ll just have no choice but to […]

The Baker’s Visit

A hands-on culinary session with world-leading bakers

The Chef Alliance

Sustainable meal – preparing delicacies food from ingredients right before their expiration.

Gifts from nature

A picking tour of the Jerusalem Hills, cooking workshop and a 7 course meal

Hummus: A class act

Hummus, opera, and a fundraiser for the Ma’aseh-beh (Good Deeds In…) project

Yellow Wind

A get-together and workshop on how corn has taken over the food industry

Shabbath Diner

The international travelers’ community chef dinner and musical performance